Calçot eating contest in Valls

In Catalonia we love to meet and savor the traditional cuisine of every region, frequently on street lunch parties. Any excuse is good to get together and enjoy a botifarra, arròs caldós, calçots, etc. The party often coincides with seasonal food like the calçot, which is a grilled long green onion that you eat dipping… Read More

Tió de Nadal

The «Tió de Nadal«, meaning in English «Christmas Log», also known simply as «Tió», is a Catalan Christmas tradition which is very well established among families. In the last years the original tradition has been changing. In the past it was a hollow and burnt piece of cut wood or log taken from the fireplace… Read More

Poster for 2013 Festes de la Merce

La Mercè is the Festa Major of Barcelona, when we celebrate the Saint’s Day of Our Lady of Mercy, La Mare de Déu de la Mercè. It has been an official city holiday since 1871, which first consisted of a Roman Catholic festivity commemorating St. Mercè on 24 September. The opening speech will be given… Read More

The Born Cultural Center

El Born Cultural Center is a unique and exceptional place that brings together three centuries of our history. Below the cast-iron structure of the iconic 19th century marketplace lies the Barcelona of 1700, the prosperous city that suffered the siege of 1714 and that put up an epic and heroic resistance before Catalonia’s national liberties were… Read More

bobin lace

  Catalonia has preserved a great variety of arts and trades. All over the region traditional trades like lace cushion making, especially in Arboç, or palm leaves and ‘palmons’ (whitened palm leaf displayed on Palm Sunday) are still practiced. The trade of basket making or pottery and tile making has not been lost either, with… Read More

Barcelona is known for being one of the best cities in Europe to enjoy and participate in sports. The first foundation of a sports club in Barcelona was that of Cercle Equí (Horse Riding Club) in 1856. Since then, an important number of clubs have been created, such as Reial Club Nàutic de Barcelona, Futbol… Read More

Castellers - Human towers

  Castells – Human Towers Castells (castles) are the towers that the Castellers build in town squares using their own bodies. All kind of people take part in a Castell, regardless of age or size. Castellers form colles, which are associations of people who train and prepare the castells together. Each Castell is made up… Read More

Human Towers (castellers) in Barcelona

The city of Barcelona is proud of its Catalan culture and traditions.  This summer it wants to share them with those living here and those just visiting. Until recently it was only possible to enjoy this kind of event on specific dates, such as popular festivals like Festa de la Mercè (Festival of Our Lady… Read More

Rosa de Sant Jordi

Saint George is not only the patron saint of England but of Catalonia too. For that reason, April 23 is a day of big celebration. Although it is not a holiday day, people live it as if it was. On the day of St. George there is the tradition of giving women a rose as… Read More


The origins of chocolate can be found in Mexico, most likely in 1500 BC. Both the Mayans and the Aztecs had consumed cocoa mixed with water and other plants during ceremonies held by the high classes. The Aztecs even used it as a currency unit, and associated it with the goddess of fertility. It was… Read More