La Pedrera - Urban Sketchers

La Pedrera – Urban Sketchers

The Urban Sketchers is a non profit organization of artists that get together to draw scenes of their city.

This is their manifesto:

1. We draw on location, indoors or out, capturing what we see from direct observation.
2. Our drawings tell the story of our surroundings, the places we live and where we travel.
3. Our drawings are a record of time and place.
4. We are truthful to the scenes we witness.
5. We use any kind of media and cherish our individual styles.
6. We support each other and draw together.
7. We share our drawings online.
8. We show the world, one drawing at a time.
Under the slogan «BCN dibuixa» (BCN draws), the Centres Cívics (social centers) of Barcelona invite the public to view the city through the eyes of the sketchers. From now until July these social centers will organize workshops two Saturdays of each month at 10:30 am. Professional artists will give instructions before going somewhere to make drawings. To share their knowledge, these experts give recommendations to each participant. On 6 January, the day of the Three Kings, Civic Center Convent de Sant Augustine , Commerce Street No 36, Barcelona, organized a special workshop based on the festival where they sketched scenes occurring in the festival.

The Sketchers have a wide range of professional profiles. The CCCB – Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona gathers together architects, illustrators and artists who share this hobby.
To get in contact with other Urban Sketchers you can visit the Facebook profile or Flickr where they share their drawings.

«BCN draws» will finish coinciding with the celebration of the 4th International Symposium on Urban Sketching in Barcelona from 11 to 13 July with workshops, lectures and exhibitions.


3 comments on “Urban Sketchers Barcelona

  • I am in Barcelona for only 5 more days. I am a member of Adelaide Urban Sketchers in Adelaide South Australia and a fairly new to urban sketching but love it! Barcelona is amazing! I would love to make contact with the group and join in a sketch event if you have one planned in the next few days? I can’t speak Spanish but can speak English and German. Please someone reply to me!?

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