Cities such as Boston, Los Angeles, Singapore, Stockholm and London are all implementing smart city technologies – from sensors to monitor garbage and parking to driverless car programs. The article points out the rapid growth of the smart city movement, stating that companies such as Cisco and IBM are estimated to produce $175 billion in… Read More
I always wanted to feel like a tourist in my own city for one day, and I thought that joining a walking tour would be a great idea. Plus, I had never visited the Picasso Museum (shame on me!) and the Gothic Quarter is one of my favourite places of the city. So, there I… Read More
What would we do without our city parks? Even though you might have visited Barcelona before, maybe you didn’t have time to visit and enjoy the wonderful green offer the city has at our disposal. Barcelona has 2.784 hectares of beautiful parks and gardens. People, young and old, come here to enjoy their magnificent beauty… Read More
Summer is sun and flip-flops, late nights and short shorts. Summer is Holidays!! You probably form part of the 90% of people that plan well in advance their holidays. But if you are still in the preparation phase or part of that 10% that, like me, leave all your planning for the last minute, here… Read More
La Casa Terrades, más conocida como la Casa de les Punxes, albergará a partir del 2016 el Museo Puig i Cadafalch, a pie de calle y en dos de sus pisos principales. El inmenso edificio modernista reformado por el célebre arquitecto en 1905 tiene su origen en tres viviendas anteriores de las hermanas Terrades. Desde entonces el inmueble,… Read More
Barcelona is probably one of the best cities to visit in the world. It has a wide range of culture, activities, gastronomy and the weather is great. But, do you want to make the most of your visit to Barcelona? Tell your family and friends that you’ve done «much more»? – – – Take a day… Read More
El Sr. Mariano Fuster i Fuster, caballero de la alta sociedad Mallorquina, vino a Barcelona donde conoció a la Srta. Consuelo Fabra i Puig, hija del Marqués de Alella. Tras su enlace, vivieron en Rambla de Canaletas nº 8. El Sr. Fuster quiso regalar una casa a su esposa y decidió comprar el edificio situado… Read More
Barcelona by night can be as interesting as by day. So after a busy morning visiting the Sagrada Familia or the Picasso Museum, save some energy and pick one of the 5 proposals we offer you. But remember that when we Barcelonian’s talk about night we really mean night. Bars & restaurants are busiest around 10pm… Read More
per Mireia Tubau, guia turística de Catalunya: Coneixes el Barri Gòtic a fons? • Les muralles romanes van defensar la ciutat durant gairebé mil anys? Tot i la seva imponent solidesa, no van poder aguantar el setge i atac d’Almansor l’any 985. • Durant molts segles la Plaça Nova va ser escenari d’execucions… Read More
Prueba de acceso a la Universidad. El turismo entra en la Selectividad: Los alumnos debían responder sobre el sector turístico español. Las pruebas de acceso a la Universidad o exámenes de Selectividad en Cataluña de este año han incluido una pregunta sobre el sector turístico español en la asignatura de Geografía. Uno de los estudiantes… Read More