Seven interesting facts of his early years and corners in the city where you can know him better There is no doubt that Pablo Ruiz Picasso (Málaga, Spain, 1881-Mougins, France, 1973) is one the most known artist of all time. His prolific creativity and unlimited talent have left some of the most admirable art pieces in… Read More
One of the most prized jewels of the Sanctuary is the voices that compose the Choir of Montserrat (in Catalan: Escolania de Montserrat). It is one of the oldest children choirs in Europe. There are documents dating from the fourteenth century that corroborate this religious and musical institution. Its existence is as old as younger is… Read More
How NOT to confuse Rumba Catalana with Flamenco. Catalonia has the privilege to add to the Unesco’s World Heritage list the works of Art Nouveau masters Antoni Gaudí and Domènech i Montaner and the not less spectacular ‘Castells’ (‘Human Castles’), among others. But there are so many other things that deserve to be known worldwide.… Read More
What’s the best way to discover Barcelona? My favourite is to get lost in its streets and shopping areas with some amazing tradition and architectural details! There is such a melting pot of cultures, a mixture of old and new, full of curiosities waiting to be discovered. Do you know what locals eat or buy? Have you… Read More
You want to be sure to make the best of your stay when you book a private tour? Read these 5 tips! Indeed, from April to November, it is the pick season in Barcelona and it could be difficult sometimes to obtain tickets to access to your favorite monument, to take the metro or just… Read More
A city where you can experience a piece of history in each corner. Its cultural richness and playful broad range makes that every year millions of tourists look for hotel in Barcelona. Last year 8,303,609 travellers stayed in hotels and hostels (growing 5.4% between foreign and Spanish). Choosing where to stay is a vital aspect to consider.… Read More
Joan Callís, President de Barcelona Guide Bureau, ha estat escollit com un dels experts del Consell Municipal de Turisme i Ciutat, per part de la Regidoria d’Empresa i Turisme de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona. Construïm, entre tots, el model de turisme que volem L’objectiu del Consell de Turisme és debatre quin és el… Read More
Looking for Networks… Connecting… Ready! Some years ago, Barcelona was elected Mobile World Capital. This is the best example that the technology is always tied to this city. The GSMA Mobile World Congress take place in the Fira Barcelona convention venues and introduce the newest features in mobile technology to the world. It’s exciting to… Read More
Barcelona looks out into the Mediterranean and thanks to that the temperature is mild, winters are never very cold – rarely snows – and summers are hot, but not unlivable hot. Nevertheless the temperature is increasingly rising and recently we’ve had some long heat waves so, especially in July and August, take precaution! Here are… Read More
Delicatessen you can’t miss on your holidays The sunny weather and the thousands of open air activities are two big reasons to book your summer holidays in Barcelona. But the gastronomy is also a huge attraction for Catalonia’s visitors and its main city from July to September. What to eat this Summer in Barcelona? There… Read More