Онлайн-казино Cosmolot демонструє проукраїнську позицію через свої медійні кампанії. Кожна Космолот реклама несе соціальне значення, закликаючи до об’єднання країни, підтримки армії та боротьби з ворожою культурою. Зокрема, кампанія «Нація переможців» відома іронічними роликами, де харизматичні персонажі, такі як черти та Соловеймен, підкреслюють важливість використання української мови та культури. Крім рекламних кампаній, Cosmolot активно підтримує фронт,… Read More

There are lots of ways to plan your Barcelona vacation. You could spend days reading guidebooks, checking travel reviews, and coordinating all your bookings, and if you’re lucky, you’ll get something close to your ideal trip. (Although if you go that route, you might spend as much time planning your trip as you will sightseeing… Read More

Онлайн-казино Космолот, одно из лидеров на рынке азартных игр в Украине, является примером успешного бизнеса, который не только обеспечивает высокий уровень обслуживания, но и активно поддерживает социальные инициативы. Космолот принадлежит компании «Спейсикс», основанной Сергеем Потаповым. В августе 2023 года часть компании приобрел британский бизнесмен Арнульф Дамерау. Дамерау является основателем EuroAtlantic Institute и совладельцем компании Crowdstrike.… Read More

Hicking in Montserrat towards Sant Jeroni

Get ready for a trip can be as excited as difficult and sometimes you can miss important details to watch or take care of. What a better way to have a trip that following the advices of the local people… and if they are tourism professionals, even better. One of the indubible visits you should do… Read More

We’re right now during the Christmas holiday in Spain. Yes, you listened well because for us the time of gifts is not over yet. For others countries, everything finishes on 25th December because during the night of December 24th, Santa Claus brings gifts to children as the most awaited moment of the Chritsmas. However, according to… Read More

How’s the planning going for your trip to Barcelona? Is there anything we can help you with as a local experts? What have you been dreaming of? Leave all your comments and desires below and take note of our basic ideas in this blog to take the most of your trip. Which are the visits… Read More

One of the beaches you can enjoy in Catalonia, Calella beach

Barcelona is famous for its marvelous art and impressive architecture, and many travelers happily travel to Barcelona to see it. But some travelers simply aren’t interested in art and architecture and don’t want to stand around looking at century-old paintings and buildings. For those travelers, I’m happy to say that there is a lot more to see… Read More

Barceloneta beach

Visiting Barcelona this year? Or maybe just looking for the best place to check a few items off your bucket list on vacation? Skip Fodor’s, Frommer’s, and Rick Steves, and get the scoop from people who actually live in Barcelona and know her secrets… Barcelona is a top destination in Europe for many—and with good reason.… Read More