Quan Norma Editorial estableix el seu magatzem al Poblenou, Daniel Torres, és l’encarregat d’aportar decòrum urbà a un edifici industrial insuls i anodí. Al mural es poden apreciar totes les característiques plàstiques de la línia clara i alhora l’estil inconfusible de Daniel Torres. Durant el franquisme, la historieta – aquest gènere que avui dia anomenem… Read More
Abans els carrers de la nostra ciutat no tenien nom. La població era tan petita que gairebé tothom es coneixia i, quan calia donar una adreça, n’hi havia prou de dir si hom vivia al davant, al costat o tres portes més enllà. Barcelona no va arribar a tenir 164.000 habitants fins a 1850; per… Read More
“If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to experience a different life, run a marathon” – Emil Zatopek There is no better way of getting to know a city than running it This is what Kilian Jornat says, Catalan ski mountaineer and long-distance runner. So considering that next March… Read More
A customer sent us a letter after her vacation in Barcelona. We want to share it with you: To the team of BGB – I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how we enjoyed our time in Barcelona and the tours arranged by Barcelona Guide Bureau (BGB). When I was… Read More
Aquest dimarts 17 de febrer ha quedat inaugurat el nou espai expositiu. Explica el Modernisme i l’obra de Lluís Domènech i Montaner a Reus. El Gaudí Centre ha estat des de la seva inauguració l’any 2007 un pol d’atracció que ha consolidat Reus com a destinació de turisme cultural i, alhora, ha permès que la… Read More
Hi, I’m Sa Majestat el Rei Carnestoltes (His Majesty the King Carnival) and I am addicted to fun, madness and love breaking conventional social rules. I heard rumors about a woman who doesn’t agree with my lifestyle. She is La Vella Quaresma (the Old Lady Lent). She will be here in seven days, so let’s make… Read More
February 12th marks the feast day of Santa Eulàlia and the beginning of the city’s winter festival. But who is Santa Eulàlia, besides the co-patron saint of Barcelona? Her name means “the one who speaks well”. Born in 290 Eulàlia was a brave 13-year-old virgin, who preferred to suffer martyrdom at the hands of the Roman… Read More
El Call – Jewish Quarter – of Girona, is one of the best well-preserved medieval Jewish quarters in Europe, with beautiful old buildings and charming narrow streets. The first Jewish families settled in the city as early as the 9th century and lived until 1492, the year of the Spanish Decree of Expulsion. Walk around… Read More
Have you ever experienced the feeling of arriving home with the last acquisition for your house? When I bought my new crockery I laid it all out on the table. Looking at these modern white plates I thought about my old mismatched ones. What should I do with them? In Greece they smash plates to… Read More
Starting on Christmas Eve and finishing on January 6, in Catalunya we have at least 6 special occasions to gather with family and friends to eat and drink. So, if you want to eat at Christmas in the true Catalan-style, these are the musts you can’t miss. December 24 – Christmas Eve: Until recently, dinner… Read More