Si alguna vez tenéis la oportunidad de pasear por un cementerio estadounidense os encontraréis con la curiosa casualidad de que en un buen puñado de lápidas aparecerá el nombre John Doe. Pero no se trata de muchas personas fallecidas con el mismo nombre y apellido, sino que tiene otra explicación. John Doe es un nombre ficticio y genérico… Read More

   Nothing is art if it does not come from nature. – Antoni Gaudí     Planning a trip to Barcelona with your family? We propose to enjoy all cultural options searching a fun way for our kids to discover them with the whole family together. Gaudí’s monuments are perfect for this. Gaudí loved nature… Read More

Typical American tourist

  We’re always looking for things to do when travelling, but it is just as well to consider some things you should not do. There was a time the first thing we would have said was not to wear the Mexican hat. I’m not sure if people have learned or they have got tired of… Read More

Joan Callis at the 25th anniversary of BGB

Com hem canviat! Des del 1990 i amb vistes cap al futur, acompanyats pel President, Joan Callís Benvolguts amics, El passat 22 d’Octubre vàrem fer una festa per celebrar el 25è aniversari de la nostra empresa. El lloc escollit va ser la planta noble de l’edifici La Casa de la Seda, on tenim la nostra… Read More

  They told you that all shops close on Sunday and you don’t know what to do? To show you that we are not as lazy as you think here are some ideas to explore our beautiful city on a Sunday.   1. Recharge your batteries Start the day with some “churros con chocolate” in Granja… Read More

Café de la Opera - Coffe and much more

  In this world there are 2 types of people: the ones who love coffee and the ones that don’t.  Are you one of the 1.200 million of people that love coffee?  Then Barcelona is your city.  But ordering this black magic beverage is tricky.  Double meaning words, jargon and different regional specialties can be… Read More

Cuando pensamos en el turismo y sus profesionales, normalmente nos vienen a la mente personas que trabajan en el sector hotelero (de cualquier tipología y categoría), en el sector restauración y en el sector de agencias de viajes y ocio. Nos cuesta más identificar algunos profesionales como los guías turísticos, que o bien por su… Read More

views from mnac museum in montjuic - barcelona

  What does Barcelona really look like? Here are 15 suggestions so you can check out the skyline from every point of view, top to bottom, mountain to sea and even inside out! Which is your favourite spot to sit back and wonder at the views?   >> Montjuïc Hill This is the place to be… Read More